Latest news, analysis, and insights into the further education and skills sector.
1 Jul 2024

Further Education & Apprenticeships Monthly News Round-up: June 2024

Welcome to Bridgehead Education's latest monthly news roundup that explores and analyses trends in the coverage of "further education" and "apprenticeship(s)" in the UK media landscape throughout June.


1 Jul 2024 Editions

Further Education & Apprenticeships Monthly News Round-up: June 2024

Welcome to Bridgehead Education's latest monthly news roundup that explores and analyses trends in the coverage of "further education" and "apprenticeship(s)" in the UK...

28 Jun 2024 Editions

General Election Special: How do the Labour and Conservative FE and Skills pledges stack up?

There is now less than a week until the country goes to the polls. While prospects of an unprecedented electoral result loom, below the headlines concerns about the future of further education...

1 Apr 2024 Editions

Further Education & Apprenticeships Monthly News Round-Up: March 2024

Welcome to Bridgehead Education's third monthly news roundup of 2024, that explores and analyses trends in the coverage of "further education" and "apprenticeship(s)" in...


27 Jun 2024 Interviews

Simon Ashworth, Director of Policy at the AELP, on the general election and future of FE and Skills

Ahead of the General Election, Simon Ashworth outlines his thoughts on the headline FE and Skills policy proposals of the two major parties, and considers the future of the sector into the next...

16 May 2024 Interviews

EXIT INTERVIEW: The Rt Hon Robert Halfon MP on his tenure and the future of FE and Skills

The sudden resignation of Robert Halfon on 26 March shook the FE and skills sector as he decided to stand down at the next general election following 14 years as an MP and nine as a...

26 Apr 2024 Interviews

Labour Wrong To Ring-Fence “Only” Half The Levy — Ex UCAS Executive Director Of Strategy

With the Prime Minister's apprenticeship reforms coming into effect this April, Managing Director of Bridgehead Education, William Walter, and Consultant, Ellis Coughlan, sit down with...

17 Feb 2024 Interviews

Peter Aldous MP: The greatest threats to FE and Skills in 2024

We sit down with Peter Aldous MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Further Education and Lifelong Learning to get his take on the key challenges to the FE and skills sector in 2024....

3 Jul 2023 Interviews

Graham Morley, senior leadership consultant and experienced college leader

This month, senior leadership consultant and experienced college leader 

Mark Bremner, CEO, MBKB
30 May 2023 Interviews

MBKB's Mark Bremner: How to tackle poor apprenticeship achievement rates

This month, MBKB's business director and CEO Mark Bremner gives us his provider's experience of achievement rates and how the system of measuring success needs to be changed if...


27 Jun 2024 Opinions

Skills policy will witness change in the next parliament

Paul Ferguson, Operations Director, Lifetime Training

Paul Ferguson, Operations Director at renowned training provider Lifetime, sets out his thoughts on the key FE and skills policy proposals of the Labour and Conservative parties.

1 Sep 2023 Opinions

Tackling dud degrees is only half the battle

Mark Bremner, MBKB

MBKB's Chief Executive Mark Bremner proposes a series of reforms regarding wages and the flexibility in apprenticeship provision to overcome poor apprenticeship completion rates.

30 May 2023 Opinions

Time for Change: Measuring quality in apprenticeship delivery

Simon Ashworth, AELP

Simon Ashworth, Director of Policy for the AELP, outlines how the government could modernise the way success and quality is measured within apprenticeships.

2 May 2023 Opinions

The struggle of specialist FE colleges in government SEND plans

Ruth Perry, Natspec

Natspec's senior policy manager Ruth Perry sets out how the specialist college estate has been degraded without adequate capital funding which is why, she argues, the sector needs a...

11 Apr 2023 Opinions

The apprenticeship quality assurance is not fit for purpose

Eleanor Regan, EDSK

EDSK researcher Eleanor Regan writes on why regulation of apprenticeship provision should be taken away from the Department for Education and focus more on the role of the employer.

24 Feb 2023 Opinions

Could T Levels reduce the ‘chronic’ skills shortage in manufacturing?

Verity Davidge, Make UK

Make UK's director of policy Verity Davidge discusses how T Levels can benefit the manufacturing sector and what is holding employers back from fully engaging with them... 


26 Feb 2024 Editions

Colleges Week 2024: David Hughes CBE talks elections, levy reform, funding challenges and skills gaps

To mark the start of Colleges Week 2024, we interviewed David Hughes CBE, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges. David shares his insights with us about the opportunities and challenges...

17 Feb 2024 Interviews

Peter Aldous MP: The greatest threats to FE and Skills in 2024

We sit down with Peter Aldous MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Further Education and Lifelong Learning to get his take on the key challenges to the FE and skills sector in 2024....


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