
Care Crisis PR & Communications

We are experts in crisis PR, communications and reputation management. We are specialists in working with care providers to protect their reputation, shield their brand and help successfully navigate whatever reputational challenge they may be facing.

A black silhouette of a person sitting cross-legged in a meditative pose. The Times Logo A logo featuring a knight holding a shield with a cross, accompanied by stylized text that reads "Crusader." The design has a medieval theme with a monochromatic color scheme. A simple black silhouette of a pine tree. A black silhouette of a person sitting cross-legged in a meditative pose. The Times Logo A logo featuring a knight holding a shield with a cross, accompanied by stylized text that reads "Crusader." The design has a medieval theme with a monochromatic color scheme. A simple black silhouette of a pine tree.

Effective crisis communications and reputation management are essential when looking to protect your care group's public profile in the eyes of your existing and prospective clients, residents and other stakeholders.

In the ever-vigilant public and media environment, firms in the UK are increasingly vulnerable to adverse media events. From allegations of neglect or abuse to regulatory breaches and outbreaks of infectious diseases, the potential for a crisis is ever present. Effective crisis communication is crucial to managing these situations and protecting your reputation as a care provider. Our comprehensive crisis communications service is designed to support care providers through every stage of a crisis, mitigate harm to your reputation, and help you recover from any crisis as quickly as possible. We have experience of dealing with a range of crises care providers face, including: 

● Allegations of neglect or abuse ● Regulatory breaches or non-compliance ● Outbreaks of infectious diseases ● Poor CQC inspection reports ● Financial instability or bankruptcy ● Change of ownership ● Legal issues involving residents or staff ● Data breaches or cyber attacks ● Staff disputes and industrial action

Our Service Offerings

We provide a comprehensive suite of crisis management support options that can be tailored to meet your needs. Our service offers crisis planning in advance of any incident, crisis management in case a negative event occurs, and post-crisis reputational management. 

Crisis Planning

  • Risk Assessment: Comprehensive evaluation of potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to your sector.

  • Crisis Communication Plan: Development of a tailored crisis communication plan, including key messaging, protocols, and contact lists.

  • Training Workshops: Conducting workshops to train your staff on effective crisis management and communication strategies.

  • Simulation Exercises: Organising crisis simulation exercises to test and refine your crisis response plans and ensure preparedness.

Crisis Management Services

  • 24/7 Crisis Hotline: Immediate, round the clock access to our crisis communication experts who can provide guidance and support at any time.

  • Rapid Response Team: Deployment of a dedicated crisis response team, led by our Managing Director, William Walter, to manage communications and media relations during the crisis.

  • Media Relations: Crafting and disseminating press releases, holding press conferences, and managing media inquiries to control the narrative.

  • Social Media Management: Real-time monitoring and management of social media channels to address concerns and misinformation.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Engaging with key stakeholders, including residents' families, staff, regulatory bodies, and the public, to maintain transparency and trust.

Post-Crisis Reputation Management

  • Reputation Recovery Plan: Development of a strategic plan to restore and enhance your organisation’s reputation post-crisis.

  • Positive Publicity Campaigns: Creating and promoting positive stories and achievements to overshadow negative coverage.

  • Online Reputation Management: Implementing strategies to improve online reviews and search engine results, ensuring positive content is more visible.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Continuous engagement with stakeholders through newsletters, community events, and updates to rebuild trust.

  • Media Training: Providing ongoing media training for staff to handle future interactions with the press effectively.

Additional Support Services

  • Internal Communication: Ensuring clear and consistent communication within your organisation to keep staff informed and aligned.

  • Legal Liaison: Collaborating with legal advisors to ensure all communications are compliant with regulatory and legal requirements.

  • Crisis Documentation: Maintaining detailed records of all actions taken during the crisis for accountability and future learning.

  • Evaluation and Reporting: Conducting a thorough post-crisis evaluation to identify strengths and areas for improvement, and providing a comprehensive report.

Our team of experienced crisis communication professionals are dedicated to supporting care providers through challenging times, ensuring that your organisation can continue to provide high-quality care while maintaining public trust and confidence. Let us help you effectively prepare for, manage, and recover from crises.

Logo featuring a stylized letter Q in purple, next to the text "Care Quality Commission" in gray.

Further Reading

  • Financial Times - Crisis management: the last line of defence

    • Crisis management is crucial for protecting organisations from disaster and should be a fundamental element of risk management. Regular testing of crisis frameworks through war game exercises is essential to ensure readiness. The failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse highlight the importance of these measures and a well-prepared approach to managing crises. Read more.

  • Forbes - Taylor Swift’s Crisis Management Lessons For Business Leaders

    • Taylor Swift's crisis management strategies offer key lessons for corporate executives. During a concert, when her piano malfunctioned, Swift displayed flexibility and humor, ensuring the performance continued smoothly. Additionally, when Ticketmaster's ticket sales failed, she communicated directly with fans, explaining the situation. These actions underscore the importance of adaptability and transparent communication in handling crises. Read more.

  • Business Continuity Institute - How to develop a crisis communication plan in 2024

    • Corporate crises often suffer from poor communication, unprepared spokespeople, and contrasting statements. Despite its importance, only 49 per cent of U.S. companies have crisis communication plans. Essential elements include defining target audiences, activation criteria, and roles. Consistent, real-time information is key to maintaining public trust during crises. Read more.


Social care crisis communications involves managing and sharing information during a crisis situation for care providers to protect their reputation and ensure clear, accurate information is shared with stakeholders, including staff, residents' families and regulatory bodies.

Effective crisis communication helps to maintain trust, reduce panic, and ensure compliance with regulations. It ensures that all parties are informed, reducing the risk of misinformation and enhancing the organisation's ability to manage the crisis effectively.

You can prepare by conducting risk assessments, developing and regularly updating a crisis communication plan, training staff, and conducting regular crisis simulation exercises to ensure readiness.

A crisis communication plan should include predefined roles and responsibilities, key contact information, messaging templates, communication channels, and procedures for monitoring and evaluating the crisis response.